Saturday 18 May 2013


I happened to be in western Kenya the past weekend and I must admit though not a very fun experience I enjoyed spending time with my precious girls: mum and my two sisters Marion and Marsha. On Monday though Marion and I had a responsibility to take Marsha back to school, Kakamega Hill School Primary. Mum having to go to work could not drop us and both her and dad were unwilling to pay cab fare all the way from Bungoma to Kakamega. Loaded with bags filled with shopping we left and had to take bicycle boda bodas to town.Unfortunately,at a certain junction my bodaboda did not look carefully and we hit another bodaboda and my big ass and I went tumbling on the dust-filled road!Picking myself up filled with embarrassment and covered in dust all over my gorgeous black outfit I made my way to the matatu park without looking back,if not for my sisters I would have probably just gone back home. It began raining heavily and since we dint have enough time to stand under the sheds we had to to take to our heels,or as I used to say in primary school,nunua pujo nambari miguu niponye,in the rain which was quite a hilarious sight.We finally got a matatu and it was packed to the brim with others sitting on "sambazas" , others leaning on the door and a three sitter holding up to six adults and one child.Being a thick girl only one of my butt managed to get space,thank God I wasn't one of the people whose butts were hanging out of the window.The matatu wreaked of sweat, smoke, fish,chicken poop and so much more disgusting stuff.It was a miracle that I dint puke! At the end we managed to reach Kakamega and going back to Bungoma was less of a hustle.This experience made me realise I need to get my own personal car soon,a new mission to motivate me!!!!

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